Basic Knowledge of Html Coding For Beginners


Basic Structure of Html


Example Of Basic Html Coding

Basic Html Coding
Example of Basic Html Coding


Some Body Attribute

·         *   Background

<body background=”Url of Image”>

For Example

</title>Example of Body Background
<body background =”C:\Users\win 7\Desktop\1.jpg">

* Background Color

<body bgcolor ="name of color">

For example :-

<body bgcolor ="red">

* Link Color

<body link ="name of color">
<body alink ="name of color"> It is show color only when we click the link 
<body vlink ="name of color">It is show color only when we visited the link

* Margin

<body leftmargin ="enter the value">
<body topmargin ="enter the value">

Some Important Tag

* Spacing : &nbsp;
*Break the line : <br>
*Paragraph : <p>Enter the text here </p>

For Example:-

<title>Some important tag

Physical Style

* Bold the text :   <b>Write the Text Here</b>
* Italic  the text:  <i> Write the Text Here </i>
* Underline the text:  <u> Write the Text Here </u>
* Teletype the text :   <tt> Write the Text Here </tt>


For Example:

Example of Physical Style

Horizontal line tag

* Align : <hr align=”Write the align here”>
* Align are : Center , Right , Left
Size: <hr size=”Enter the Value”>
* Width: <hr width=”Enter the percentage Value”>
* Color: <hr color=”enter the color”>

For Example

Example of Horizontal line Tag
<hr align="center" size="50" Width="50%" Color="red"><br>
<hr align="right" size="30" Width="30%" Color="green"><br>
<hr size="10" Width="100%" Color="Blue">